16  Heat Map

Heat map works as a graphical overlay that displays the area and frequency of motion detected in the camera’s image using a warm-to-cool color scheme. The warm colors indicate sections with the most motion detected, red being the highest detected areas, and the cool colors point to the lowest detected areas.
Heat Map is compatible with certain Lorex IP cameras. For a complete list of compatible cameras, navigate to your recorder series at .

16.1  Enable Heat Map in Smart Plan

If a Smart Plan is not enabled properly on your camera, the heat map feature will not work. Please make sure to enable the Heat Map feature before continuing.
To enable heat map in smart plan settings:

16.2  Configuring Heat Map

Use the heat map feature to see hot and cold areas of the camera’s image. Select channels to use heat map on and adjust preferences.

16.3  Searching for Heat Map (Smart Search)

Search for heat mapping on a specific channel or the entire system. You can also choose to back up events (USB flash drive required – not included).